At the start of 2007 (Globally) there were 1,082,166 Senior Soldiers and a year later at the start of 2008 there were 1,109,249 Soldiers. An increase of 27,083 Soldiers. Praise God.
At the start of 2007 there were 15,175 Corps, and a year later the amount fell to 14,869 ( Down 306).
Some more stats:
* No. of officers - Up 58.
* No. of Cadets - Up 5.
* No. of Junior Soldiers - Up 16,683
* No. of Prisoners visited - Down 74,612
* No. of pupils in Salvation Army Education - Up 10,835
* No. of people given General Welfare support - Down 113,567!
Interesting figures. Here's some food for thought:
--> With such an increase of Soldiers, why such a small increase of Officers?
--> Is Junior Soldiers the new thing??
--> I wonder why our Welfare support is down so significantly, or are our resources being pooled into different avenues?
--> Why can't the number of Corps climb dramatically? Healthy, reproducing Corps. Bring it on Lord. Share
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