"O that I could converse and reason, and plead, with power from on high. How powerless are the best-directed arguments, till the Holy Spirit renders them effectual" Henry Martyn.
In the book of Numbers, the story occurs where Joshua, Caleb and ten others come back to Moses and Aaron and give them a report about the promised land. The ten whinge and carry on, telling everyone there is no hope. Joshua and Caleb sense the Spirit of God saying we should go and take the land. How can they convince the others? They can't. They tear their clothes in grief and exhort the Israelites to take hold of the possibilities. All they can do is rely on the Holy Spirit to convince others about the possible journey.
In your life and ministry, why not rely on the Holy Spirit to bring people along with the vision and dreams you have for the future?
Catch the Fire Ministries are in the spotlight. Check out this article from the Sydney Herald.
Also on Andrew Bolt's Blog: http://blogs.news.com.au/heraldsun/andrewbolt/
(My blog and these articles are not connected...)
Danny Nalliah is a vile opportunist using a tragedy to further his own agenda. You and your friends in Melbourne have had some connection with his church - do you think there was any validity in his claims of divine retribution?