The purpose of a Salvation Army Officer

Commissioner Jim Knaggs came and spoke to the cadets today about the purpose of a Salvation Army officer. Did you want to know the most important thing? The one thing that is above the rest. The one thing that far outweighs anything else...

Well among some of the usual thoughts, Jim said, we need to be Christians that fulfil the Salvation Army's mission. We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. We should not just see ourselves as pastors, but more than that; as people called to serve suffering humanity, to serve with the sleeves rolled up. He also shared that we are called to reform society by being prophets, and that we need to be advocates for change (e.g. within Government) even if that affects the income streams of The Salvation Army.

So what's the greatest thing? What's the greatest purpose of a Salvation Army officer?

The greatest purpose for Salvation Army officers and for any Christian needs to be and ought to be:

Saving Souls for Jesus Christ.

That's it. That's the greatest purpose and as a Salvation Army WE WILL keep this at the forefront of everything we do, because nothing else is more important. Share

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